Bitchy History
Bitchy History
The Problem with the Puritans

The Problem with the Puritans

Bitchy History: Season 2, Episode 11

Join me with special guest Elena Bowman, a researcher at Columbia University, as we talk about the history of the Puritans and the longstanding impact puritanical beliefs have had on our social and political culture in America...spoiler alert, it's not what we'd call a GOOD impact.

There are no actual resources listed for this episode, though we reference several books and articles throughout the episode…I’m just too lazy to actually make a full reference sheet for this episode. Instead, I just wanted to make sure you knew the episode was out and invite you to look at the new intro and outro videos for the show that are now on our YouTube version of the show.

Here’s the new merch website!

And here’s the most recent addition to the merch line!

Bitchy History
Bitchy History
A history podcast brought to you by a history professor who is fed up. Half American history class, half her bubbling over rage at the state of America today and how we got here. Ron DeSantis would hate this podcast.